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Showing posts from September, 2019

The Lost Cause? Greta Thunberg and the Climate Crisis

                   Just like every day, I was browsing through news and social media and I was surprised to see a 17-year-old's speech that had taken the internet by storm, this little lady was talking so passionately about climate change and how our world leaders won't even budge, busy reaping the profits while ignoring our impending doom. She was crying because she realized that there wouldn't be a life to live when she grew up. After seeing her speech, the first thought that crossed my mind was 'How innocent is this kid?' she's not ready to face the harsh truth we already know. she does not deserve to be worried about something so dark, she deserves a happy childhood, you know while she can.      For me, living in a third-world country like India, we have seen and grown up with news of poverty, extreme social injustice, rapes, and murders, these things are happening two blocks away from our home and they occur on such ...

Why We Write: Finding Solace and Resistance in Words

M.J.library 2nd Sept 2019                     In recent developments, now that the world has collectively decided to descend into total anarchy, and while the freedom of expression is reduced to a joke, I often think about the role of writing, does writing really help? why must we write?.              I write to release my often complex and convoluted thoughts, it provides an effective source of grounding and stress release, and it's kind of like taking a burden off my shoulders. Honestly, if you are reading 6-7 hours daily and barely talk to anyone in your 24-hour schedule, if it goes on for long enough anyone would start to write something, the constant reading messes with your mind. writing is the only thing that can keep you sane at that point.              In his iconic poem 'Ode to a Nightingale', John Keat writes "My heart aches and drowsy numbness pains".I...