Some people might frown upon jokes that seem to be making light of the most serious issue currently facing mankind (aside from climate change, duh!): the coronavirus pandemic . Those people probably don’t have a sense of humor, or maybe just don’t resort to humor and self-deprecating jokes as a coping mechanism for the horrors of the world, like me. It’s a miracle they get through their day-to-day, honestly. Too early? Inappropriate response to a global emergency? Then this one's probably not for you. Give yourself a break and it a miss. I'm not sure my ego could take another email of disgusting comment approvals. For the rest of you miscreants. here goes nothing... Of course, like most 'boys' my age, I had one overriding concern, sitting at home at the end of week one of my isolation, watching things deteriorate worldwide. The blustering leaders, who only days before, had been dismissing all worries and concerns, Are now playing catch up big time. with their...