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Showing posts from February, 2019

Project Panic!

                          For the past few months, I feel like I am the only one, desperately holding onto my friends, honestly because I don’t know what I’ll do when these bonds of the past are severed, I don’t have any energy left in me, to make new friends and reach that comfort in new companionship, to find some misfits to call them my tribe,  I am so tired of all the bullshit of all these fake ass people I meet on a daily basis, I know how hard it is to find real friends and how much harder it is to invest so much time and energy in them when the time is the only thing that I am running out of.                       And Now suddenly it's time to make new friends because apparently, all the previous times don't count, and I'll let you in on a secret: making friends in your 20s is hard. You can't just go up to someone on the playground a...