Monsoon season has just started and just like every weekday around 2 am. I found myself flipping through the old journal that I use, to log my important events of that day or week. In my journal, I discovered entries that brought me down the memory lane of events from the previous year. All of my blunders, accomplishments, highs, and lows, both physical and emotional, were right in front of me, allowing me to see how far I had come, from my worst mistakes to the best of my best, from people who played me, to people who had kindly forgave me, from people I turned into butterflies from cocoon to people who made sure that I grew as a person, it was an enlighting read for that night. Given the events of the past year, the best analogy would be... in some strange and yet fuckedup way, I am beginning to relate myself to Severus Snape from Harry Potter more and more.. every day. Because, as they say...