In the shadow of shared laughter, there used to be a yellow flower, but lines were blurred, boundaries crossed, trust was shattered, a bond lost. Each betrayal, a wound so deep, Yet still, memories haunt my sleep. closest one's hurt the most they say, and you my little one have proved it again. A slow knife cuts the deepest they say, never thought I too would get it one day. Your lies were always so so good, know you are the reason it's come to an end. And all that peace & harmony, I built for years, Is gone now and left me in tears I fought, I tried, but had to part. A heavy weight upon my heart. We're family and nothing can change that, But we'll never be friends, and that's a fact. Do you walk your path alone? Or find solace in a home unknown? I wonder often, in the silent night, If you've found your own guiding light. Though scars remain, aching yet, I wish you peace, without regret. For in the echo of what we once had,...